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●﹏● 21、快如离弦之箭;疾似撒疆野马;你们的速度让我们惊叹;你们的精神让我们钦佩;流汗千日,只为今日一搏;疾踏百步,只为终点一触;胜利再向你微笑;成功在向你招手;加油啊!健儿们! 21, as...英文运动会加油稿 篇1 Strong, persistent, endurance and hope, in the extension of the runway of the little white condensation! Power, faith, hard work and struggle, in t...

in yourself, you will be beyond the limit, beyond yourself! Believe in yourself, come on, athletes, be...英文运动会加油稿 篇1 Today I saw the movements of our class athletes. Games began, they stumbled on the steps at that moment, all the viewer's eye to lead to the dance ...

(#`′)凸 运动会英语加油稿 1 有多少次挥汗如雨,伤痛曾添满记忆,只因始终相信,去拼搏才能胜利。总在鼓舞自己,要成功就得努力。热血在赛场沸腾,巨人在赛场升起。相信自...运动会加油稿英文版(带翻译) cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone. you do not know when it would play, when will it drop; sports such as tender round, but there is no change ...